Why Getting The “Contact Us” Form Right Is Important

For many businesses, especially those who are B2B focused, contacting potential clients is a major avenue that turns warm leads into conversions. You know that having a chat with leads over the phone or bringing them into the office has a higher conversion rate than any other method you use to generate conversions.

But where do you get these leads from? Most businesses generate them from multiple sources like referrals, their website or social. These allow a wider range of customers to find you and reach out to you.

Where a lot of businesses struggle is their website. They try to rank well on Google, have incredible ads, but completely ignore the customer journey, and a key factor: the contact form.

What role does the contact form play?

It is easy to dismiss the contact form especially if you have your email address and phone number already on the website. But the contact form plays an important role in the conversion process. It is one of the last steps in the customer journey, strategically placed after your website content has already persuaded the customer to consider your product. Now the contact form needs to persuade the user to relinquish their personal data.

The contact form, when done right, makes your users feel safe in giving away some of their information. It provides some strong call to actions to push customers that final step, emphasising that you are what they need, that it is ok to contact you.

What mistakes do businesses make with the contact form?

The big mistake that businesses make is that they ignore the contact form in their strategy. They want to generate an increase in inquiries through the website but ignore the important role the contact form plays. It is important to include it in your strategy, recognising its place in the customer journey, and working to ensure it does its job effectively.

How can you make a contact form better?

Making a great contact form that maximises your leads involves some clever design and great language use. These should increase confidence, reduce confusion and aim to set expectations.


Start by massively simplifying the form. Ask yourself what information is really needed here, what can you just ask for later. Sometimes you can get away with just an email, name, phone number and one piece of information that will help you determine what they are inquiring about.

Use a single column layout, group related information together, validate form fields and improve button specificity to reduce complexity. There are many more design changes you can make to improve your contact form, the best thing you can do is find other effective contact form examples and try out what they do. Experimentation is key.

Let users know what happens next

Uncertainty can be a lead killer. Your customers will need to know what will happen next with their data once they have filled out the form. Will you contact them, or will you send an email newsletter out to them? Let them know straight up what they are getting into, then reassure them afterward that you will be in contact after they have filled out the form. A user who knows what will happen once they submit the form is more likely to fill it out.


If you find that your website is not generating as many leads as you hoped, take a look at your contact form. It could be one thing that is preventing customers from completing the customer journey. Figure out what you want the form to achieve and optimise it with that goal in mind.

If you need help increasing your leads or conversions have a chat with Link Pixel. We are customer journey experts and can help you grow your business.

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Jade Macbeth

Jade Macbeth

Meet Jade, our resident logophile, wordsmith, and brand maestro. Armed with her trusty keyboard and a firm belief that knowledge is the ultimate cheat code for success, she's all about equipping you with the finest intellectual ammo. Because once you truly grasp a concept, you've got all the tools you need to start getting the most out of your pursuits.

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